Energy Geophysical Services
Energy Geophysical Services is continuously developing and strengthening its skills. This can be seen in the quality and scope of the projects carried out, find below a sample of some of them according to the different areas in which we specialise.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the projects shown or a project that you would like to carry out with us, do not hesitate to schedule a consultation to discuss with us.
EGS has the ability to perform 2D and 3D seismic program designs.
This work can be carried out under different circumstances, always answering to the needs of our clients. EGS has experience managing projects discreetly and/or comprehensively in an efficient and professional manner.
At EGS we are in a
constant search to offer
the best service to our customers. Therefore, our processes are flexible and can be adapted to various conditions.
We are in the position to carry out the entire seismic acquisition process or only a part of it, such as the recordings.
We have extensive experience in 2D and 3D land processing. EGS has carried out processing and re-processing projects up to KPSTM pre-stack time migration and KPSDM pre-stack depth migration, interpretation and well tie.
This has been done in different types of data and basins such as llanos, "foot hills" and thrust, both in Colombia and with data from other countries.
In the same way, EGS has carried out marine seismic data reprocessing projects both 2D and 3D.
Trademarked by Schlumberger
The Omega geophysical data processing platform and associated Petrel Earth Model Building plug-in provide all the tools necessary to efficiently and accurately process land, marine, transition zone, 2D, 3D and time-lapse seismic data. Together, these platforms offer:
Industry leading tomography and steering filters
Fully integrated interpretation and processing
High definition flexible velocity model representation
Full anisotropic modeling (vertical transverse isotropy [VTI] and inclined transverse isotropy [TTI])
Complex geobody modeling capabilities
Interactive localized imaging techniques
Omega 2019.1 offers a wide range of benefits, key features include:
New set of seismic function modules (SFM's) for surface-consistent deconvolution, which includes the ability to derive a single surface-consistent deconvolution decomposition for an entire survey.
New Seismic Function Module (SFM) that optimises the quality and cost of the 3D GSMP general surface multiple prediction algorithm in areas with underlying geological complexities.
New Seismic Function Module (SFM) for analysing S-wave splitting as part of the multicomponent processing workflow.
As part of the Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) workflow, a new seismic function module to perform 3D Gaussian smoothing with a trace sample-centered 3D window.
In the imaging workflow, a new seismic function module (SFM) that removes smoothing-induced velocity changes around salt halos.
Improved processing speed and efficiency for the following seismic function modules (SFM's): 3D GSMP algorithm, adaptive deghosting, adaptive subtraction, and others.
Improved usability and functionality for Omega SeisFlow and Job Analysis applications.
New features and updates for Omega Cluster Model with improved accounting and health check dialogs.
Hand in hand with our experience
in processing, our competence to perform interpretation.
* The images shown correspond to a processing project up to KPSTM time pre-stacked migration and KPSDM depth pre-stacked migration, interpretation and tying of wells.
Trademarked by Schlumberger
Reprocesamiento e interpretación
Reprocesamiento e interpretación
Reprocesamiento e interpretación
Furthermore , EGS has carried out seismic data integration projects with well data, gravimetric and bathymetric data together with the interpretation of seismic data.
EGS is currently working on this project for the ANH in the Temporary Union modality together with a local partner.